New photos are available for purchse! The following 3 photos are $10 each.
Outdoors in a Black Dress
In an Interview
Patio Picture
Purchase Holiday photos autographed by Tonya! These beautiful photos are $50 each and will be available only through the end of January. Please include an additional $12 for overnight delivery. Select from the 2 poses below (click on each picture to see a larger size):
Holiday Pose 1
Holiday Pose 2 (with Koda)
Purchase photos autographed by Tonya! These are $25 each and can be ordered as either color or black/white. Select from the 4 poses below (click on each picture to see a larger size):
Pose 1
Pose 2
Pose 3
Pose 4
Pictures copyright 1999-2000 by Tonya Harding, Linda & Greg Lewis.
Please do not redistribute or duplicate in any manner.
Check the Gallery to see other photos that can be ordered.
CD - Amazing Grace, featuring Tonya Harding
Amazing Grace (.wav)
CD - She's Fire on Ice (Written and Sung by Linda and Greg Lewis)
Prices on the CDs - $15.00 (including shipping/handling).
CD autographed by Tonya - $25.00 (including shipping/handling).
For better soundbits (and other songs), please visit Nodnarb Publishing.
To order, send check or money order to:
Tonya Harding
P.O. Box 6132
Vancouver, WA 98668
or contact Linda & Greg Lewis at