3-12-02- Tonya will be on the Celebrity Boxing Wed. March 13 at 9:00pm EST on the Fox channel. She is boxing Paula Jones.
2-4-02- This is for anyone who has sent money for photos. Could you please contact Linda at lglpr@hotmail.com
1-17-02- As you all know Tonya's name has hit the news again. At this time I really can't tell you any more then what you have read. I breifly spoke with Tonya and Linda. Tonya thanks everyone for their well wishes and will be in contact soon. I will be speaking with them again soon and will let you know more when I can.
10-17-01- We have just learned that Tonya's appearance on the Weakest Link will be aired on Monday Oct. 22 at 8pm EST.
9/29/01- Great news for us game show watchers. Tonya has just finished taping for The Weakest Link game show. She don't know the exact date it will air but was told sometime in the month of October. If we find out a date for sure I will post it right away.
9/13/01- Tonya sent this card the other day and wanted it to be posted to her fans. Please read it. Linda and myself would also like to extend our prayers to the victims and family and friends of those who were hurt by the events of tuesday.
8/22/01- I was just informed that Tonya will be on Larry King Live 8/23/01. It will be about people who have been hounded by the media. I don't know who the other panel members will be.
7/23/01- For all you New Yorkers, Tonya will be at the Barracuda Club on 7/26/01. She will be the celebrity judge for a lip sync contest. The show will be starting at 11:00pm. Come down and join us.
7/17/01- Two new galleries uploaded! Check out Galleries 8 and 9. More pics to come very shortly...
6/13/01- A new update from Linda has been added to Linda's Updates.
5/23/01- I spoke to Linda the other day and Tonya will still be in Florida on 6/29/01. She will be throwing out the first pitch at the minor league team for the Jacksonville Suns.
12/21/00- Tonya has sent a Christmas greeting to all. You can find it at Tonya's Messages also Linda has sent a greeting at Linda's Updates . I would also like to wish everyone a safe and Happy Holiday season. I hope Santa brings you what you want. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.
12/15/00- I talked to Linda last night and she said Tonya is back on the ice and doing well. Also for anyone interested Tonya is selling some of her Olympic stuff. For more information you can write to LGLPR@aol.com Also Tonya had sent a letter for Thanksgiving and I just got around to posting it. Sorry. It can be found at Tonya's Messages.
8/17/00- There are new updates in Linda's Updates. It tells about their trip to Charleston, SC. and about a possible video. So what are you waiting for go check it out.
4/10/00 - On April 25th Court TV is airing a show about Tonya. This show was taped about a year or so ago. Check your local listings for details.
2/28/00 - Tonya woud like everyone to know she is ok. She is very sad and hurt by
what has happened. Tonya cannot discuss the case at this time. She send
her love to all her fans and thanks everyone who has signed the guest
book and sent e-mails.
Tonya and Linda will let us know more when they can.
2/24/00 - I just talked to Linda. She wanted me to let everyone know she hasn't
forgotten about us. She has been very busy takeing care of her mother who
has been sick. Within the next week or two she will continue with the
updates. She says Tonya is doing well. They will be in touch with us
A woman by the name of Linda Prouse from Canada is writing Tonya's
She is known for writing books about Liz Manley and Brasseur & Eisler.
There have been no release dates yet. We will keep you posted as to
it will be released.
1/28/00 - There are articles on Tonya in the February issue if Blades on Ice , the Jan/Feb issue of International Figure Skating, as well as Jane magazine.
11/06/99 - Highest ratings of the season on Entertainment Tonight -
'"Entertainment Tonight" nailed its highest rating of the season so
far, up
7% from last week and 13% over year-ago numbers. The newsmagazine was
by a two-part report on Tonya Harding's return to ice skating
which aired on Oct. 18 and 19 and averaged a 6.4 on both days.'
From an article entitled "Newsmags, Game Shows Rally in Syndicated Ratings"
By Chris Pursell
© Reuters/Variety
10/25/99 - We've started a mailing list! - Sign up for the Tonya Harding mailing list at Onelist. If you are not currently registered with Onelist, you will need to do so before joining the list.